Coming Events


SUNDAYS 9:00-9:45:  Christ’s Cafe Coffee Hour!  Where coffee and salvation are always free!

Join us downstairs, by the kitchen for Coffee, Tea and Treats!

MONDAYS, 1:00 – 4:00 PM:  “Sewing for Haiti”.  Please join the ladies of the Mary Martha for sewing in the church basement.  Making necessary items for Haiti and various other missions.  Lots of seamstress duties are required, but sewing is the #1 priority.  Everyone welcome.  Please speak to Wendy Hyatt for further information. 

JULY 11-14:  12th Regular Convention of Luther Women’s Missionary League-Canada.   At the Four Points by Sheraton in London, ON.

The convention theme is based on Psalm 149:1   ‘Sing to the Lord a new song’

Keynote Speaker will be Deb Burma who is a Christian author and LWML seminar leader.  Special Interest Speakers will also tell of their cross-cultural ministry with the use of singing and music.

The mites gathered throughout the past three years provided such great blessings to people around the world, from local support for a Bethlehem Walk in BC to International support of deaconesses in Nicaragua and Cambodia. Rev. Mark Smith will bring news of the work that is happening through those missions.   Mission Grants for the next triennium will be voted on.

If you would be interested in attending, either in person or online, speak to Lorraine Kaija.   Registration forms will be available in the coming months. You can also check out the LWML web site

MONDAY, JULY 22 – FRIDAY JULY 26, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM:  Vacation Bible School. 

“SCUBA – Diving into Friendship with God”

Extended Programming for children grades 1-6, 12:00 – 3:30 PM.  Save the Date!  Registration forms are available in the Narthex.  Details to follow. 

VBS VOLUNTEERS:  We thank God for the opportunity to provide a VBS programming for children of our congregation and community, however we need volunteers. (Recreation, registration, group leaders to name a few) Please consider how YOU might help this year. Volunteer forms are available in the Narthex.  PLEASE continue to keep VBS in your prayers.