Refugee Sponsorship

GOD’S LOVE – SPONSORING A REFUGEE FAMILY:   The voters of Christ Lutheran took a leap of faith and approved a one year sponsorship of a refugee family.   The family consists of Kareem (father), Hamida (mother), Ameer and Asser.  Jesus bid the little children to come to Him and not to prevent them. Christ Lutheran has committed $40,000 to see this family through their first year in Canada.  Donations can be made to Christ Lutheran designated to “Refugee Sponsorship Fund“.  If you have any family or friends who would like to help, please spread the word. 

Canadian Lutheran World Relief was instrumental in completing the paperwork necessary for their immigration.

Our Family arrived Thursday, November 23! 

Kareem and Hamida are originally from Nasiriyah, Iraq, on the Euphrates River (near the ancient city of Ur where Abraham left when he was called by God.).

Kareem graduated with a diploma from the Department of Legal Administration in Iraq, is very artistic (he has sold some paintings) and has done much painting, and volunteered in Greece with a church to teach children. Kareem is so thankful for the congregation at Christ for being willing to sponsor his family to come to Canada. 

Hamida wants to be able to go to school, as she was never given the opportunity as she grew up.

Ameer was born in Iraq and is now 6 years old.

Asser was born in Greece and is now over 4 years old. Even though Asser was born in Greece, because he was a refugee, he is not considered a Greek citizen.

There is still much to do to have the family settled in Canada. We will need your continued financial donations so that we can fulfill our promise to the government to look after this family financially over the next year, and of course we need to continue to hold and keep Kareem, Hamida, Ameer, and Asser in prayer.

God Bless, Pastor John, chairman of the Refugee Committee, Christ Lutheran